
Forschungskolloquium 21.1.2018

Der Andere ist tot und lebendig.

Dieu est mort. Les Autres sont morts – et vivants

Welt-Prozess Flüchtlinge (2016)

Artikel Worldwork, Konfliktarbeit und Spiritualität. (2015)

Worldwork-eine zukunftsorientierte Methode in der Arbeit mit Spannungen (2014)

Heroin Addiction and Altered States. Can a single process-oriented intervention help? (2004)

Altered States of Consciousness as Adjunct in the Treatment of Addiction. (2001)

Altered States of Consciousness as a Complement in the Treatment of Addiction – a process-oriented approach (2000)

Dual Awareness – Elements of Shamanism in Process Work (1996)

Jung, Taoism, the Sound of a Saxophone and I (1996)

A message in the bottle. Process Work with Addictions (1994)

On the Prognostic Relevance of Ego-Psychopathology in Schizophrenia: A 2.5-Year Follow-Up (1990)

Schamanismus und Individuation (1987)