konfliktFest offers
The Processwork model is grounded in depth-psychology, in dialogue and interaction. It is experiential, includes systemic thinking and embraces a spiritual core. Interventions from different psychotherapeutic traditions and etiological reflections from various strands of psychology and sociology are included – with the goal of facilitating individual, relational and group processes with efficacy and a deeply authentic regard and respect for the process.
Coaching aims at reflection of one’s professional role in the work place. It addresses executives, decision-makers and managers who successfully want to take on concrete tasks and new challenges. Foci are self-management and leadership development, vision and values, clarifying role and rank, diversity, gender and other team issues; dealing with difficult persons.
I coach executives and teams and offer short term interventions and assist longer term change processes, conflict resolution and mediation as well as specific trainings in skill development and team building. The contract is with the coachee directly or the company’s HR.
I offer case and team supervision to develop professional competencies and to foster a positive team culture. The Process-oriented experiential and highly interactive methodology serves to sharpen self-perception as well as expand competencies for conflict resolution in teams with challenging situations and individuals.
In working with organisations, Processwork utilizes a systemic approach, representing disputes in the form of roles (and ghost-roles) or positions in the field The facilitation opens an empathic space with respect for the other. The goal is to discover through deep encounter the totality of the field. To facilitate change the Process-oriented facilitation uses diversity and conflict as potential resources for all stakeholders.
Continued Education konfliktFest 2019 – Modules 1-4